Friday, August 26, 2011


As some of you may have noticed, I haven't blogged in a while. That's because I've been pretty occupied with other things... between guitar, piano, voice, Bible quizzing, church, and going different places, I haven't had very much extra time on my hands. Which makes a perfect topic to blog about! :)

It's here. Time for everybody to go back to school. Now is when things start to get crazy... massive amounts of homework (not for me! :) ), trying to keep tack of everything that goes on, traveling here and there, doing this and doing that. Lots of stress and trying to keep a good attitude. Do you ever think your life is moving too fast? Does it feel like you don't have time to breathe anymore? How much time have you spent with your family lately?  On Wednesday, a girl in our youth group shared a very touching poem, written by a girl who was dying if cancer. It's called "slow dance". I wanted to share it, but I don't know where to find it. But what really hit me when I heard it was... Life is short. Why is everyone rushing through it? Why am I rushing through it? It really made me stop and think about how I spend my precious time. I'm not dying from an illness, I'd say my life is pretty easy right now. And I have God to thank for it. :) But what if I was? I would definitely slow things down... So why not live like there's no tomorrow? Each day is a gift from God, but we don't know when we're gonna run out of them. I have two songs that come to mind when I think of slowing life down. Here they are! :)