Friday, April 4, 2014

Time Keeps Moving

Wow! It's been at least two years since I actually posted on here... Time flies! To be honest I totally forgot that this page existed. Reading some of my older posts makes me realize that I have matured quite a bit over these last two years... My life has changed SO much. I don't really even know what to write. In fact, I'm not even sure anyone reads this page. I could just be writing to myself... Which is weird. And pointless. If you read this shoot me a comment so I know who actually uses Blogspot.

Soooooo... I guess if anyone is interested in knowing, I am going on a mission trip to Honduras this summer. I AM SO EXCITED! You're probably thinking... "What? Is she nuts? Excited to leave the country and go work for a solid week?!" My response would be: Yes, I am nuts. If you know me, you already know that ;) Yes, I am excited to work for a week straight. Because I'm not working for me. I'm working for God. If I allow him to work through me, so much more than just "work" will be accomplished. (I Cor. 15:58)

Preparing for this trip is teaching me a lot about trust... trust in God to be exact. The cost is $1,600 just for me. My mom is also going which is another 1,600 smackaroonies. For those of you who have trouble with math, (like me) that's $3,200. I have to pay at least $1,000 by the end of April. Right now, I have $9 to my name (thanks Tyler). That makes me nervous... HOWEVER, I know that if God really wants me to go on this trip, He will provide. 

That's the latest chapter in my story! Prayers are most appreciated! If you feel led to give so I can go on this trip, email me at

Have a blessed day!

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