Sunday, August 14, 2011

Stayin' strong, with some help.

Today was a great day. I sang one of the songs I wrote in church and played my guitar with the worship band. God used me once again through music. :) It's such an amazing feeling to know I did something for God.
This morning was actually not that great.. I got up early (earlier than I wanted to anyway), I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. I figured out what dress to wear without much trouble ( which is very rare). But the bigger problem was.. I've lost all of the jewelry I like to wear. It might not seem like that big of a deal, but I am my mother's daughter. lol. I packed all of my favorite jewelry to take on vacay with me, all in one little zipper bag. But I've lost it, which is very agitating.
 I left the house in wild frustration, tears streaming down my face from a crazy morning, going through the list in my head to make sure I didn't forget anything...
I feel like the Devil was trying to stop me from singing. It wasn't until later that I realized this, and the minute I did, I prayed. My mother must of read my mind, she turned the radio off and said " I think we should pray". Right there in the car, the devil left us alone, and the rest of my day turned out amazing. :)
After church was dismissed, there must have been 30 people that complimented me. But the thing that made it the most rewarding, was the few people that said "I really love the meaning of your song" and "Your song really touched me" and don't forget, "You're not alone, a lot of people feel that way". Not only that, but it makes me feel like I must be doing something right. All I did was let God take over one time and I'm touching peoples lives with one song. Imagine how much all of us could do if we let God take over all the time? After all, He is ultimately in control. I think we should all be more flexible to what God wants to do with our gifts and talents. I'm only 15 (almost 16 :) ) but that doesn't mean I can't do everything God wants me to do with my gifts. All I did was let the words come through me in the darkest time of my life and it turned into a song. Now I have the amazing opportunity to share it with everyone else who might be dealing with pain. It's the best feeling in the world and I want to go further. I'm never gonna back down, even when the Devil tries to attack me.

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